Sunday, March 22, 2009

Who’s kingdom? (Week 4:6)

Topic: Week 4- Jesus and the kingdom of God
Theme for 6 Weeks- Who is Jesus and what difference does it make?

Read Mark 1:14-15

With a bias toward action and a commitment to following Jesus, there is a temptation for us to take control. It sneaks in the back door- the illusion: “We will bring in the kingdom!” The greater temptation is the opposite: sit back and God will do this on his own. But, the reminder this morning is in response to the first temptation.

So, here’s the reminder: this is God’s kingdom. “The kingdom of God.” What Jesus is announcing, teaching and embracing in his very person is the kingdom of God.

We do not usher it in. We do not control it. We don’t set the agenda. We don’t define the nature of it. God does. Further, it is the power of God that is infused in us even as we seek to follow Jesus in this kingdom that is counter to the kingdom of the world.

But…there is always a “but” here. But, that doesn’t mean we sit on our hands or say to God, “Go change that situation of poverty. Go help those refugees. Go and bring justice into the housing situation over there. Go bring peace into that conflict.” We are participants; we are God’s ambassadors of reconciliation. We are the instruments that God uses.

We are the hands and feet of Jesus in the world. Walking in and announcing this kingdom that Jesus embodied. And, that kingdom is the kingdom of God.

Thanks be to God!

Question: What temptation do you face most often: to take charge, be in control, and serve the needs of others on your own efforts (as if it’s your kingdom); or, to sit back and pray and hope God changes poverty, violence/war, an injustice, etc.?

Prayer: Lord God, this is your kingdom. I pray for your kingdom to come, your will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven. May I be an instrument of yours and your kingdom for healing, peace, joy, justice, freedom, reconciliation and life by your power and life within me. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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