Friday, March 13, 2009

Jesus: “Follow me” (Week 3:4)

Topic: Week 3- Jesus as Lord
Theme for 6 Weeks- Who is Jesus and what difference does it make?

Read Mark 2:13-14; Romans 6:4

For the next three days, we will continue this theme of who Jesus is with respect to the confession that Jesus is Lord.

The simple, and sometimes not so simple, call of Jesus is what we find him saying to folks along the way, “Come, follow me.” There’s more to it than some leader who might echo similar words (you pick the setting: a key leader of the company you work for, a political leader, etc.).

It might have some similarities- the vision sounds compelling, you like the direction where things are pointed, etc. But, with Jesus’ call the person calling is God Incarnate, the Lord. And with the follower, whether that is Matthew, Peter, Mary Magdalene, or any one of us, there is a way in which we participate in the Person of Jesus.

In this participation, we are invited, by Jesus, to follow. To imitate, in the words from yesterday. The idea of following after and imitating Jesus is pervasive in the words of Jesus and throughout the New Testament. John Howard Yoder cites at least 53 places in the New Testament where this language about Jesus- discipleship, following after, learning from and imitating Jesus- is used (p. 118-127, The Politics of Jesus).

As…So…That’s the tag David Augsburger gives to this discipleship. An “As-So Model of Spirituality:” as Jesus…so us (p. 32, Dissident Discipleship). There are many places we see this in the New Testament. For example, “just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.”

Jesus saves. We cannot save ourselves. Jesus is also Lord of all. Master. And when we enter into participation with him, by his power, to follow him, we will enter more fully into the life he has promised. It will also be, equally so, for the benefit of others- for goodness, justice, forgiveness, compassion, love of neighbor and enemy, mercy. That is, in all the ways in which we are called to follow him.

Question: What are the “just as…so me” (as Jesus…so me…) ways of Jesus that are more urgent for me at this time in my life?

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, you not only called Matthew and Mary, Joanna and James, but you have also called me: “Come follow me.” I cannot do this on my own strength, and you have promised to be with me through your Holy Spirit. But, I can choose to seek you and to walk in newness of life. I do so. Empower me. In your name I pray. Amen.

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