Monday, February 23, 2009

Jesus as the final and definitive revelation of God

Theme: Week 1- Jesus as God Incarnate
Theme for 6 Weeks- Who is Jesus and what difference does it make?

Read Colossians 1:15-20; 2:9

Since this is “day 1” of a 6-week daily blog/reflection, it warrants a few words of introduction. I am new enough to the blog world that I’m unaware if any or many use it the way I will write between now and April 12 (Easter). But, I guess bloggers can make their own rules!

The Plan- I am writing a daily reflection around the question of “Who is Jesus and what difference does it make?” Each week will have a different theme under this larger question. It will include a few words on that weekly topic, a Scripture passage, question and prayer.

I am thinking and writing in the context of our new church that is forming in Denver- The Bridge. The daily meditations will be the theme for our discussion the following Sunday evening (when we meet) in our gathering/worship time (and discussion, engagement, and conversation is an important value for us!). While I am working primarily in this context, I decided to use the blog as a way for our participants and members to access this, and to make it available for anyone else that is interested.

Enough on the introduction….

I titled this week’s reflections, “Jesus as the final and definitive revelation of God” (p. 33 Eugene Peterson, Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places). Perhaps it doesn’t need a citation as it is a common phrase and used often. “Final” and “definitive.” That isn’t appealing and it may appear harsh to many in our setting in Denver…or North America, in general.

But, I would suggest that this has been the confession and conviction of the Christian community in all ages and contexts. While this can be stated in various ways, the confession of Jesus as God incarnate has been a common thread. I must add: to think that anyone could presume (much less, me!) to address all the implications of “Who is Jesus?” in 6 weeks is preposterous! My hope is that we might center on some core aspects of this question that will prompt us to a greater relationship with the living Christ and living it more fully.

So, if this is true, Jesus as the “image of the invisible God” (Col. 1:15) and “in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” (Col. 2:9), then this will move us to pay more attention to Jesus and all that we know about him. In fact, it changes everything.

As you begin your day- or end it or pause in the middle of it- the invitation I would offer is not to get sidetracked on an intellectual word game or haggle over a hyper-creedal statement about Jesus, but to ponder and rest in this reality from Colossians 1 and 2, and that of Jesus as the “final and definitive revelation of God.”

Question: How might my life be impacted today, and throughout my life, as the result of Jesus being the “final and definitive revelation of God?”

Prayer: Lord, while I hold the mystery that I can never fully grasp and comprehend who you are, I also live with ultimate gratitude that I can know you. I give thanks that when I see you, Jesus, that I see God. Help me to see you more fully, Jesus. In your name I pray. Amen.

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