Saturday, December 13, 2008


What about "Christianity" would be attractive to some of our neighbors or others on the "outside?" For that matter, attractive to "insiders?"

That's a topic that could fill pages of blogs, books and engage one in hours of discussion...and it has. I'm prompted by some insightful proddings, and credible research, by Alan Kreider in a small (out of print, I believe) book, "The Change of Conversion and the Origin of Christendom." It examines early Christianity and includes this idea of the attractiveness of these early Christians and churches/communities.

Specifically, I am thinking about belief, belonging and behavior, which Kreider traces with respect to conversion and the changes in history.

A nugget: "The early Christians lead us to reconsider the balance of ingredients in conversion...They did of course emphasize right beliefs...But the emphasis in the early Christian liturgies of a radical shift in the believers' sense of belonging...seems extreme to us. Even stranger to the focus on transformed behavior." (p. 103) This was one of the very attractive pieces for those on the outside looking in, says Kreider.

Little is different today. Perhaps even more so in a "Post Christendom" culture where the church is again moving to the margins as in the first centuries.

While "right beliefs" are important (e.g. God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit; God Incarnate, Jesus- the mystery of his full divinity and full humanity; the redemptive work of God in Christ-the victory of Christ over the powers of evil, sin and death; the centrality of the Kingdom of God; God's reconciling work with a new heaven and new earth) this is not the primary thing attractive to those who have not entered God's story. I do not find people, as a whole, looking for a "good set of beliefs."

What will indeed be compelling is the observation of people with a consistent way of living who, while stumbling, display love, fairness, justice, have compassion for the poor and discarded in society, forgiveness, gentleness- in a culture of violence, sexual morality, and so on (behavior). That is...will any of this make a difference in how I live?

Further, it is compelling to see a living, breathing group of people sharing their lives, serving one another, taking care of the needs of one another in the group, praying for each other, and not just living isolated lives (belonging). That is...will I have others to walk with me in community?

I am aligned with Kreider's thesis that the early Christians' conversion (the message of Jesus that sets people free, opens up abundant life) changed the nature of- quite radically, in fact- behavior and belonging as well as belief. As the church lives out this new life in Christ (behavior), and has a genuine level of community (belonging), rooted in their beliefs, and as it is "sent" into the middle of life in the world, I believe these will be the most attractive elements for a life with God-- especially, living in a world wandering in narcissism, individualism, consumerism, violence and with little sense of a moral center.

That gives me hope- to consider being part of such a community of Jesus' followers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Phil. I have enjoyed pondering the central themes of that book; belief, belong, behave. They simplify things for us all.