Wednesday, October 22, 2008

They say there is an election in two weeks

Ok, cut this guy some slack. I'm trying to get rolling with my blog. I resonate with Greg Boyd when he said last year, "To be honest, I don't get this blogger thing at all...I'm sure it's because I'm almost 50."

I'll figure it out as I go, I'm sure.

A thought came to me when I was on a bike ride last week: putting that campaign sign up in our yard, for one of presidential candidates, evoked some conversation in the neighborhood. Neighbors tend to keep to themselves in our neighborhood and there isn't a ton of chatting. But, the sign prompted more talk than usual.

Like when there's a snow storm and everyone is outside shoveling their driveways and the conversation picks up. Or, when we had that terrible rain storm and flooding in Indianapolis and neighbors were pitching in to help, or at least, commiserate together.

Some interesting things happened due to that sign (the first time I put a sign out for a presidential candidate). It's worth a few more lines, at least for me.

But, I decided against writing about it until November 5th or later. The primary reason: from my years as a pastor I do not want to be seen as endorsing a specific candidate. So, I'll wait until November 5th to say more about this; it won't be primarily about the specific candidate as it is the broader issues pertaining to faith, politics, and so forth. (This might appear contradictory since I have a sign in my yard! Fair enough. But, I view it as my expression in my neighborhood.)

Here's what I can say now. This current election has stirred up a chunk of emotions. Other presidential elections have, as well. It has eaten into a lot of my time over the past year, whether it is reading the New York Times or Denver Post, Newsweek or Time, the Jon Stewart Show or CNN, Sojo or Christianity Today, Googling, Youtube or...blogs!

When you have the Democratic National Convention in your own city, you are bombarded with the news and the city is alive in new ways. Gail and I read, watch, view and engage in conversations with others and then spend time on our walks or over dinner comparing notes and ideas.

Here's the thing: I have got caught up in this and get fooled into thinking that it is more than it truly is. In Kingdom of God terms, that is. Considering, praying and discerning who might be a better candidate for President is worthwhile. It can play a role in what we think will be a more humane society, striving for the common good in a nation. But, it's not the most important piece.

What I find more crucial- much more critical, in fact, is what followers of Jesus are actually doing. Those communities (ok, I'll say "church," if you understand that I'm not talking about some institutional reality) who gather, talk, build community, worship, study, pray, and then act on that commitment to Jesus to the poor, marginalized, lost, suffering and broken in their sphere. That's where the primary action is.

You don't have to choose: do I vote or do I become part of community seeking to live out the way of Jesus in one's city or area? Both actions can flow out of one's faith. They do for me.

I see it like this: I will vote for one candidate who I believe holds positions that will help advance some of the areas for the common good in our nation and world. But, it doesn't hold a candle to gathering on Sunday nights (when our new church meets) to eat, hang out, pray, read Scripture, put together Mennonite Central Committee relief kits for people in Iraq, Nicaragua, Haiti, etc. and discern together how to live out the way of Jesus in serving people in our city.

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