Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A "bigger" gospel

In some circles "gospel" has been reduced to forgiveness of sins. Yes, it includes that; but it is much more when we look at the whole Story in the scriptures. And, that has massive implications for how we live our lives, portray hope, care for creation, seek peace, work for social justice...essentially, all the practical details of our lives in how we "love God" and "love neighbor."

In a recent blog post, Scot McKnight defined gospel in this way: "it is the work of God to restore cracked Eikons [image], in the context of the community of faith, through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the gift of the Spirit, and this restoration is to both union with God and communion with others for the good of others and the world."

I've added that to my catalogue of definitions of "gospel."

1 comment:

tad said...

Thanks for your thoughts! I agree much more with your definition of gospel and salvation than "easier" versions that sometimes seem to discount this life. I'm also intrigued as to how you'd relate this the book of Joshua and its version of salvation and good news - especially to the groups taken over (slaughtered?) by the Israelites (God?).

And I also very much appreciated your summary of Kreider's text and the point of Believe, Belong, Behave - I'm trying to put together a congregational tune with that emphasis - we'll see if it comes to pass :-)

God's peace brother,
maybe I'll see you later this week,